Office de Tourisme Terre d'Auge

16 bis place Jean Bureau 14130 Pont-l'Évêque
16 bis place Jean Bureau 14130 Pont-l'Évêque
Pont-l’Evêque abounds with a whole range of activities. Culture first, with the Les Dominicaines Cultural Centre and the new Calvados Expérience visitor centre, then leisure with the Espace International Automobile racing circuit, Pont l'Evêque Lake and the Normandie Challenge Adventure park, proposing sport and leisure activities for visitors of all ages, both indoors and outdoors.
All within a charming town with an eventful history and architecture so typical of Normandy’s lovely Pays d’Auge area.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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