Hôtel Ker Moor Saint-Quay-Portrieux

13 rue du Président Le Sénécal 22410 Saint-Quay-Portrieux
13 rue du Président Le Sénécal 22410 Saint-Quay-Portrieux
Manager Jean-Luc says that "Time seems to stand still", in this hotel tucked away on the cliffside, well away from main roads, and quite logically one of the 'Relais du Silence' hotel chain. The hotel complex is very modern, with striking, slightly oriental-looking upper storeys. Each of the 27 rooms has a terrace that looks out onto Saint-Brieuc bay, and the Manager can confirm that "you can even see the sea from your bed!" thanks to the wide picture windows. A generous breakfast is served in the breakfast room or your bedroom, and the GR34 hiking trail runs straight past the door. A flight of steps leads down to the beach and you can even get to the ‘Ile de la Comtesse’ at low tide, where there was once a botanical garden belonging to the famous cosmetics and perfume creator, Eugène Rimmel.
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